
Showing posts from July, 2014

It's just a small matter, huh???

Salam, Today my mood is not so good.No motivation at all.As always i come to library,my work place with heavy heart,just simply had to come,not because i love to come.I know this is my  work,i need to be honest.My work is one of ibadah.I'm trying the best to did a good job but sometimes the result is not good enough.On my way to work,the first thing i've done is to set my mind to be more calm and ignore all the negative thing at my work place.I want to settle all my task be given by my boss to me with perfect score. Lately,i feel very lazy and had no sense to come to work.I put the cause of my laziness  to someone in the library.I know i shouldn't blame that person for  my bad attitude.I'm supposed to be honest and be more positive in my daily day,work and social life.To be more accurate,I should behave professional.Do not so easy to give up in whatever problems coming up.Yes,i don't deny,maybe that person contributed 10 percent and more, to what happend at my

Coretan dikala ada rasa

Assalamualaikum semua, Apa khabar ?Diharapkan semuanya sihat dan tabah dalam menjalani ibadah puasa dan lain-lain ibadat sunat selain yang wajib.Hari ini dah 15 Ramadan..Dalam sedar dan tidak,kita sudah dipertengahan bulan Ramadan 1435h.Alhamdulillah,semoga kita diberi kesempatan untuk menghabiskan baki puasa kita tahun ini.Insyaallah dengan keizinannya.Lamanya tidak mengemaskini blog.Sudah berbulan lamanya sejak kali terakhir menaip sesuatu disini.Entahlah,mood berbloging pun sudah suam-suam kuku.Tak tahu apa yang hendak dikongsikan. Nak mulakan cerita apa dulu ya.Baiklah nak cerita sikit pasal situasi library Ptss my work place now.Hujung bulan enam yang lalu, kami kehilangan seorang rakan sekerja Flora Lindsay yang tanpa diduga dapat surat untuk bertukar balik ke negeri sendiri Sarawak dan bertugas di Politeknik Mukah.Mungkin sudah rezeki dia.Tanpa jemu minta tukar balik Sarawak setelah 3 tahun lebih bertugas di Perlis. 26/6/2014 adalah h ari terakhir dia kat sini .Sedih san